Monday, August 13, 2007

Something to relax to

We are packing our bags tonight for a full workweek of doing good ol' roughing it: camping. A few of us have decided to camp at the campground very close to Upper Canada Village, so we will be cycling back and to work, which makes it all quite convenient. We have stocked up on food and other amenities that will carry us through the week. There will be only us, the St. Lawrence river, plenty of books and stories, and a crackling fire.

I am looking forward to this week of relaxing, especially considering that
The Ugly Duckling just ended.

Yes, the play that I have been directing this summer, along with Andrea,
The Ugly Duckling, was performed this past weekend for Dairy Festival, and it went extraordinarily well. Everything just fell into place, which, luckily, has a habit to happen in theatre. It either explodes in your face or everything goes so smoothly; if you follow the laws of theatrics, there is nothing in between.

Here is a snapshot of
The Ugly Duckling by A.A. Milne - incidentally, the same playwright who wrote wordy Winnie the Pooh.

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Anonymous said...